Give Online

The Keiser University Alumni Association exists to keep each and every one of YOU connected to your alma mater. After all, you’re not just a Seahawk for your college years, you’re a Seahawk for life. As a graduate of Keiser University, you’re automatically a member of the Alumni Association, along with nearly 66,000 of your fellow alums. Your donation will help with scholarships, special programs and events for current students and alumni. With each and every gift, alumni and friends of Keiser University make the University’s mission a reality.

Planned Giving

Planned gifts have an enormous and lasting impact on Keiser University, creating a legacy for Keiser University students that will last for generations.

Planned gifts also form part of an overall financial plan that can provide you with significant benefits. For example, planned gifts can help you maintain control of your assets during your lifetime, take advantage of a number of tax benefits, leave a legacy at Keiser University, and possibly even provide income to yourself or others during your or their lifetime. Unlike gifts of cash, planned gifts typically come from assets in your estate, rather than disposable income.

For further information please contact the Office of Alumni Relations (954) 776-4476 or email us. Thank you for your generosity!

Gift Options

There are many different forms your gift can take depending on your goal, including:

  • Adding a bequest provision to your will and donating your full or partial estate to KU
  • Adding KU as a beneficiary to the residual of your retirement plan or life insurance policy
  • Creating a charitable gift annuity that will provide you with income during your lifetime and then pass on to KU
  • Supporting KU and your family with a charitable lead trust or charitable remainder trust

By making endowment gifts, donors have an enduring, visible imprint on the future of Keiser University. An individual’s lifespan is limited, but a university endures for countless generations and hundreds of years, and the endowment helps ensure that adequate provision is made for the students, faculty, and facilities of the future.

If you would like to consider any of these alternative forms of planned giving, please call (954) 776-4476.

Keiser University is a 501 (c) (3) organization and considers your donations/gifts and/or membership in the Talon Club as well as any additional donations to be charitable contributions. In many cases, these are tax deductible. Consistent with IRS requirements, we are advising donors that the amount of the contribution deductible for federal tax purposes is limited to the excess over the value of gifts received by the donor (i.e. shirts, pens, pin, etc…). Please consult your tax adviser for confirmation. Thank you for your generosity and support.